To cope with the demanding market requirements, MIP business diversifies and expands in the following area :
Human resources outsourcing administration & management with IT Helpdesk support services at client offices, onshore and offshore remote work locations. (resource management is fully managed by client, while payroll and contract management managed by MIP).
Contracted IT Product Maintenance Services – Post sales services of IT and IT maintenance services agreement contract with customers.
Strategic Service Provider for Epson, Sun Microsystems, IBM and NEC.
Service Center Locations for Epson printers, IBM Service Authorized, NEC PC and Notebooks etc.
IT and its related products sale.
IT Integration services (Supply, install, setup and maintain IT infrastructure).
Our Business
PC/ Notebook
SUN Machine
Printer, Scanner
ATM Machine
Passbook Printer and other banking Equipment
Other IT equipment.
With the rapid changes of the business environment, it requires the company to change its business process and followed by the changes in its IT solution. In this situation, they will usually employ existing staff resources to perform the changes. However, the reality is that when internal staff are reallocated to perform time-consuming project tasks, they are often unable to fulfill their usual job functions and the business is suffered. PT Mitra Infoparama offers outsourcing services to perform your IT operation while your IT personnel focus on the solution to your business.
Our call center consist of Helpdesk and Dispatching System as our core system in MIP Service Delivery Model.
Help Desk system for : Incident Management, Problem Management Asset Management and other tailored requirements.
Dispatching System to dispatch Engineer onsite (should any onsite services is required) to All area in Indonesia from All MIP Service Point
Maintenance Services
With high dependency of a Company to the Information Technology, the IT continuous system availability becomes very critical to the success of a smooth company operation. Hardware can be broken, Network equipment can failed to perform the task, and all those malfunctions will cause in a machine or system outage. All IT equipments need to be maintained in order to be able to perform in peak performance. PT Mitra Infoparama offers Maintenance Services to your Hardware and Software.
Strategic Services Provider (SSP)
Continuous and non-disruptive availability of IT System is very key for all companies to run their business. MIP have been anticipating this requirement thru partnership with well-known IT principles, such as SUN and EPSON. By having this services partnership, MIP is able to deliver cost effective and high-available system to customers spread in almost all geographical areas in Indonesia.